Christmas is one of the most magical holidays of the year and it gets even more special when you can share it with your children and the ones you love.  During these cold days there is nothing better than spending time with your family in the warmth and comfort of your house! We have some great ideas to entertain you and your little ones and to build amazing traditions and memories that will last forever!
Baking biscuits
Craving something sweet? How about baking some biscuits?
This is a classic Christmas tradition that you can share with your children; an easy and simple recipe can be a fun way to spend an afternoon and to teach something new to your kids.  Have a look at these delicious and beautiful  ‘Melting snowman biscuits’ recipe, kids will have fun baking them with you and will love the taste!

Unique Christmas tree decorations
To make your Christmas tree even more special, we found a lovely idea to personalize your tree decorations and make them unique whilst having fun with your kids! These hand print decorated Christmas decorations are easy and so much fun to make , plus they will give a personal touch to your tree. For more beautiful homemade tree decoration ideas have a look here.

Advent calendar
Another beautiful tradition you can share with your little ones whilst waiting for Christmas is creating together a homemade Advent calendar! The possibilities are infinite and you can bring out all your creativity! These are some examples, but if you need more inspiration check these out!

Cotton wool snowman 
Do your kids love to build snowmen but the snow is still lacking? No problem! We have a great and creative solution! Have fun with your children building a cotton wool snowman in the comfort of your living room. Children will love it and it will last way longer than an original snowman! Follow the instruction here and start your fun!
5) Making gingerbread play dough
If I were to ask you what does Christmas smell like? The answer would probably be ‘Gingerbread of course!’. A great way to entertain your kids and spread a delicious gingerbread aroma around the house is to make gingerbread play dough together! You can decorate it afterwards and use it as a Christmas decoration for the house. You can find an easy and wonderfully scented recipe here. It is starting to smell like Christmas already!

Getting excited about Christmas already? We can help you with a lot of amazing ideas for a spectacular Christmas party! Book now!


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