Why does music play such an important role in your child’s life? Well, simply because music is amazingly therapeutic! Don’t believe us? Next time, try calming your fractious little kid with some soothing melodies, or hand over a set of drums to your upset or angry kid and see the change…it works! Because ultimately, all children express themselves through music in some way or the other (Interesting right?). Listening and joining in with songs, learning about rhythm, and playing simple instruments, all help your child learn to concentrate, recognize patterns and remember them- all vital components of learning through listening.

If you want your children to see how much fun music can be then watch The Sound of Music together – it’s a gem!

The rhythm of life

 And guess what! You don’t need lots of time, money or musical ability to bring music into your children’s lives.  Young children instinctively dance and sing – it’s their way of celebrating life (sadly something we adults forget to do). The heart beat and pulse are natural rhythms. And every child has their own built-in musical instrument – their voice (Minus when they are crying. That music isn’t pleasing to the ears!)

Music-Therapy-435x266Mini Mozarts, age 3-6

Children of six and under respond to music in an instinctive way. They are still unselfconscious – make the most of it! Stock up on nursery tapes and simple musical instruments.

  •  Play nursery rhyme songs, television theme tunes and whatever else takes their fancy – in the car, while they are splashing in the bath – any time!
  • Hold impromptu singalongs and do the actions at the same time: the Wheels on the Bus, the Grand Old Duke of York, Incey Wincey Spider (Always works!)
  • Number songs are fun too: Ten Green Bottles, Old MacDonald had a Farm and One Man Went to Mow.
  • Get an impromptu band together! Hands and feet are great percussion instruments.
  • Maracas, bells on a stick, cymbals, triangles, chime bars, shakers, rain sticks, tambourines and a xylophone are also good fun!


performingartsBudding Beethovens, aged 7+

Make the magic of music come alive for children of this age group by watching wonderful musicals like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Oliver and Annie.

  • Encourage your child to join the school choir. Singing in groups is a real bonding experience and it helps develop social and concentration skills.
  • This age is perfect for learning to play instruments. The recorder is a great start.  Piano, violin and guitar are also options at this age.
  • Suggest that everyone sing and play musical instruments together as a group. If you let the children take turns directing this “jam session” and join in as an enthusiastic member, their interest will surely last longer.
  • Songs and musical activities that tell stories about athletic games, other countries, famous men and women, or scientific discoveries are well-liked and easily remembered.
  • Music workshops can be great in the holidays for children of this age – get information from your local authority.

Twizzle Parties

At Twizzle, we organize amazing recording studio parties for your budding performer and his/her friends to make their own best-selling records!

We also have some really talented performers who use storytelling, music and performance to communicate and explore a wide array of ideas, feelings and thoughts!

In addition, we organize music, theatre and dance workshops at Chelsea School of Performing Arts in Summer, Autumn and Winter. (Bookings for the Autumn workshop are now closed.)

To book any of the above, simple click here or get in touch with us directly here.


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